Cosco’s 21,828gt/2014 built/179.60m long Da Zhi collided with a container gantry crane while berthing at Abidjan port on the Ivory Coast on 18th May. The crane subsequently toppled over onto the quayside and damaged several containers. Fortunately there were no reported injuries or casualties, but the terminal equipment on Berth 21 was seriously damaged.

The 2,474gt/2006 built general cargo ship Fast Herman became the not-so-Fast Herman when she ran aground on the Prerow Bank off Rostock on the early morning of 21st May. The vessel was en route from Szczecin to Lubeck with a cargo of Urea, but strayed from the fairway and went hard aground on a mud bank. The crew was not able to refloat the freighter and requested assistance from the local authorities. A tug was called from Rostock, which managed to pull the 83m long ship free several hours later. The Fast Herman, built by Bodewes Shipyard in The Netherlands, was ordered to dock in Rostock for underwater survey and special inspection.

Fire broke out in the engine room of the 5,045gt/1993 built product tanker Zircone in the Gulf of Riga on 26th May. The accident occurred shortly after the vessel had departed from Riga with a cargo of 7,000 tons of diesel oil. A short circuit in the engine room caused the fire, which engulfed the whole compartment. Following the fire, the tanker remained adrift without power. The crew fought the blaze but the Master did not attempt to evacuate the crew. The disabled ship was eventually towed to Riga Shipyard for repairs and special survey.


The 12,919gt/1980 built icebreaker Kapitan Dranitsyn escorted the cargo vessels Johan Makhmastall and Sinegorsk (7,095gt/1991 built) to Pevek, the port town located on the coast of the East Siberian Sea, in January. The voyage had dramatic consequences in store for the ships and their crews. With great difficulties the trio made it to Pevek. But the ice conditions in the area made it impossible for them to return home. Finally, in late May, the icebreaker started breaking her way out of the port but an entirely clear passage back to Arkhangelsk from where they sailed in December was not assured. The crews received supplies throughout their unexpected winter in Pevek.

On 27th May the 2,281gt/2007 built/89m long cargo vessel Hydra became disabled on the Kiel Canal near Rüsterbergen, Germany. The ship was en route to Delfzijl when she suffered a fire in the engine room that damaged the vessel’s switchboard. The crew was able to extinguish the blaze, but the fire disabled the vessel. The Hydra drifted until she ran aground onto a canal embankment. Two tugs were dispatched to the scene and took the Hydra under tow back to port.

The 3,491gt/1999 built/104m long tanker Kiyosato Maru and the 7,288gt/2008 built/115m long bulk carrier JP Cosmos collided in Tokyo Bay near Yokohama City on 31st May. The port stern section of the JP Cosmos had struck Kiyosato Maru’s bow. Both vessels sustained damage. The JP Cosmos was loaded with 6,220 tons of coal while the Kiyosato Maru only had 2 tons of naphtha on board at the time of the incident. Both vessels were ordered to remain at anchor while authorities investigate the incident. That same day the 10,308gt/2005 built and 113m long container ship Mary Arctica struck an iceberg off Nanortalik, Greenland. The vessel was headed to Aalborg when, at around 0200, she struck the iceberg. The vessel sustained significant damage but, apparently, no water ingress, but changed course and proceeded to Qaqortoq to be surveyed. The ship then continued to Denmark for 2 to 3 weeks of repairs. The 6,759gt/1984 built Arina Arctica replaced the Mary Arctica on the affected service.

During the early hours of 7th June the 20,809gt/2010 built/180m long bulk carrier St. Gregory ran aground in the Gulf of Laconia near Kokkala,Greece. The ship was en route to Sfax from Illichivsk laden with 30,600 tonnes of sulphur when a navigational error occured and she ran bow first onto the rocky shoreline. The ship sustained hull damage in the bow and water ingress. A recovery exercise ensued.



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