The Port of Rotterdam’s new Maasvlakte 2 terminal received the 4,995gt/1997 built and 4,360 TEU Sealand Eagle at the end of December, in a gradual build up to full operations, when she made the short journey from APMT’s nearby terminal at Maasvlakte 1 to reposition empty containers and early in January the 194,849gt/2014 built Triple-E class Marstal Maersk became the first ultralarge container ship to use the new terminal. Evergreen: In mid-January 2015 it was announced that Evergreen was vying with MOL to place the first order for a 20,000 TEU mega containership. The Shoei Kisen Kaisha yard has been chosen by Evergreen to build up to 11 units of this size for longterm charter. Evergreen has previously shied away from the mega-sized ships but now looks set to leap ahead of competitors by being the first to break the 20,000 TEU barrier.

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