Shipping on the Tyne

by Des Cox

This DVD takes us to North East England and the Tyne, to see it when it was one of the biggest maritime stages in the world.

We watch the construction and launches of so many great ships, (over 4,000 ships were built there) including famous liners such as the Mauretania, Dominion Monarch as well as ships for Port Line, Shaw Savill, Ellerman Lines and the build and launch of the super tanker World Unicorn.

The rare film also takes us on a voyage aboard a collier from Newcastle to London, enabling us to experience just what it would have been like to have been there in the Tyne’s heyday, an age when ships filled every berth from its estuary, all the way to Newcastle and beyond.

The programme ends with spectacular film of the Sagafjord, the last ocean liner to have been built in England.


This country has lost so much but at least, thanks to this remarkable DVD we and future generations will be able to see just what it was like to have been there on the Tyne in its maritime heyday.

These are always excellent DVDs and this is no exception capturing the great days of British Merchant Shipping. Highly recommended.

Published by:
Snowbow Productions (2000) Ltd
145  The Promenade
East Sussex
BN10 7HN


Length: 75 minutes


Price: £18.95


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